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Learning to Say NO and Say YES to Your Dreams!

by Lisa Shea
One of our most precious commodities we have is time. By saying NO to some things, it leaves us the time to say YES when the perfect thing comes along. This is really about saying YES to the things you dream about.

Time is the coin of your life.
It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent.
Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.
~Carl Sandburg

When we were toddlers, we learned with great delight how to say "NO!" to things that did not fit into our dreams of the moment. As we grew up, we were pushed by parents, teachers, friends, family members, and our society to give in to their demands. Over time we felt more and more pressure to say "yes" to what someone else wanted, even if it went against our own dreams.

It´s important to find a balance in life. Your goals are worth pursuing, and your time is worth treasuring. We each only have 24 hours in a day, and once they are gone, they are gone forever.

This book discusses several of the reasons people tend to say YES when they really should be saying NO. It provides examples of ways to handle situation without guilt or angst.

This book is completely FREE! Take the first step to a new life with less stress and more time!

Pages: 34
Price: $0 US

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