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Food and Drink - Green Living Series

by Lisa Shea
Most of us have the need to eat food and drink water every day of our life. With the exception of fasts and other extraordinary situations, we each make decisions each day about what types of items we ingest to keep our body healthy. Make those choic

Most of us have the need to eat food and drink water every day of our life. With the exception of fasts and other extraordinary situations, we each make decisions each day about what types of items we ingest to keep our body healthy. Make those choices green ones!

When we look at our food and drink choices, we should certainly consider what keeps us running smoothly and lasting long. By keeping our bodies healthy, and ensuring our mental faculties last as long as possible, we help ensure that we can support our world and enjoy our life as long as we can.

In addition to maintaining our own body, though, it is just as important to give thought to how the food choices we make affect the world around us. By eating food that is local, is grown organically, and is eaten in season, we help to ensure the impact of our food choices is as minimal as possible.

So in an ideal balance we should eat items which are both nutritionally good for us and ecologically sound for our community.

Best of all, this ebook is completely FREE!


While there's just one author name listed above, this Green Living ebook is a group effort by the entire BellaOnline Green Team. This team works together to find ways to help BellaOnline and all our visitors live an eco-friendly, gentle-on-the-environment life!

Members of the BellaOnline Green Team are:

Cricket Webber, Headaches / Migraines editor
Farjana Amin, Environment editor
Jill Florio, Frugal Living editor
Lisa Shea, Low Carb editor
Mary Caliendo, Tea editor
Rebecca Graf, History editor
Renee Shelton, Fishing editor

Green Living Ebook Series - full listing

Pages: 24
Price: $0 US

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