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Introduction to Buddhism and Buddhist Meditation

by Lisa Erickson
The perfect way to explore the beautiful world of Buddhism! This FREE e-book covers the Buddha's life story, Buddhist history, major teachings, and meditation forms, with instructions. A great introduction!

Buddhism is many things to many people. For some, it is an organized religion with houses of worship, priests, rituals, and holidays. For others it is a philosophy, an approach to living that exists apart from any religion. For still others, it is a source of practices and tools for spiritual growth, within or outside of a Buddhist belief system.

This e-book will introduce you to the basics of Buddhism, so that you can decide for yourself what it means to you. Here's an overview of the contents:

- Part I covers the Buddha's life story, the history and branches of Buddhism, the basics of Buddhist scripture including excerpts, and Buddhist holidays.

- Part II covers foundation Buddhist teachings, including the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, karma, rebirth, the Three Marks of Existence, the Three Jewels, and the Ten Perfections. Every section includes contemplations that you can try to directly connect with these teachings and Buddhist insight.

- Part III introduces Buddhist meditation. It begins with an overview of the different forms of Buddhist meditation, and then provides details (including instructions) for Mindfulness, Breath, Mantra, Chakra and Koan meditation.

- A Resources section at the end includes suggested books for further study, and a list of websites you can use for more information, including finding a Buddhist organization or teacher near you.

Pictures of Buddhist art, symbols, and practitioners from around the world are included in every section. 'Personal Exploration' sidebars will help you directly connect with the teachings, and explore varying Buddhist meditation techniques.

This FREE e-book is an easy but comprehensive way for you to explore Buddhism and Buddhist practice. Whether you are a student researching Buddhism for academic reasons, or a spiritual seeker interested in exploring Buddhism personally, this is the perfect way to start.

Pages: 46
Price: $0 US

This ebook is available in PDF format.
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