
A Tale of MoMo (Missouri Monster)
Yesterday morning, I drove one of the most beautiful, scenic Mississippi River roads in the country to Louisiana, Missouri, where I talked with Gail Suddarth, long time resident of Louisiana. In 1972, when Gail was about seven years old, she was instrumental in perpetuating the MoMo legend.
Aswang of the Philippines
In the folklore of the Filipino culture, the Aswang/Asuwang/Asuang is not only a generic term for all types of mythological creatures including werewolves, ghosts, witches and vampires, but also a kind of ghoul that feeds on the entrails of the dead.
Beast of Busco
In 1898, Mr. Fulk of Churubusco, Indiana, claimed a giant turtle as big as a "dining room table" lived in the lake on his land.
Bigfoot Sighting Database [offsite link]
Take a look at hundreds of reported Bigfoot sightings in the U. S.
Black Dogs
I was amazed at the tremendous number of myths and folklore regarding black dogs, devil dogs, and hell hounds. They have even been depicted as eaters of the dead, and guardians of the road to hell. There is also a theory that they tend to be sighted at places located along the earth’s lines of energ
Readers of Harry Potter, The Spiderwick Chronicles, and Dean Koontz’s Odd Thomas series are familiar with the term “boggarts.” You might also have met varieties of boggarts in other books and games.
Boston Lemur
One night in midsummer of 2008, the Boston Red Sox senior adviser, Bill James, was walking home from Fenway Park. The crowds were gone, and he was alone on the street..........
Bunyip or Water Horse
Being a water naiad myself, I find water cryptids to be especially fascinating. One water creature that has some especially interesting theories to back up its existence, is called the Bunyip.
Caddy, A Sea Serpent
An introduction to Caddy, the Sea Serpent sighted hundred of times in the Pacific Ocean.
Christmas Creature Torments Woodland Community
In the year 1900, in the community of Woodland, Missouri, Christmas was not a time of joy and good cheer. The happiness of the small town was interrupted by a terrifying and noisy creature...
Contemporary Dragons
Australia is a country I hope to have the opportunity to visit someday for many reasons. One of which is the wide variety of unusual animals found on the continent, including sightings of the megalania prisca, a dragon-like creature thought to be extinct since the Ice Age.
Do Rods/Skyfish Exist?
Some people believe that creatures called Rods fly through the air around us at speeds too fast for us to perceive.
Dover Demon
On April 21, 1977, three teenagers were driving north on Farm Street, a road surrounded by woods and fields, in the Dover area. The driver, Bill Bartlett saw “a bizarre, unearthly-looking creature, close to four foot tall, crawling along a stone wall.”
Encantado (Dolphin Men)
In South America, there are shape shifting dolphins, called Encantados, who can turn into humans at will.
Flying Humanoids
Sightings of flying humanoids with and without wings since 1877.
Fresno Nightcrawler
A recent discovery in the world of cryptids is a fascinating creature called the Fresno Nightcrawler, or the Fresno Alien, first appearing in California in November, 2007. The creature was videotaped walking across the front lawn of a Fresno resident.
Giant Bats
I have always loved bats.Maybe my infatuation with the flying mammals has something to do with my lifelong love of vampire movies and cave exploring. Of course, I might not feel so affectionate toward them if I encountered a bat with a twelve-foot wingspan and a face like a monkey!
Giant Catfish
Growing up in a small town on the banks of the Mississippi River, I remember hearing fantastic tales of divers seeing catfish as big as a man under the old Mark Twain Bridge that connected Missouri with Illinois. My research indicates that most rivers are accompanied by similar stories.
Giant Cryptid caught in Canada
The 1100 pound white sturgeon, believed to be over 100 years old, measured 12 feet 4 inches in length with a girth of 53 inches. The monster fish was caught and released on the Fraser River in British Columbia.
Giant Kangaroos in the Midwest
The children’s television series, Captain Kangaroo, was watched by kids all over America from 1955 to 1984. I know I loved watching it as a kid through the sixties. In 1973, another kangaroo-type creature made its appearance in the Midwest.
Giant Rabbits of England
I adore Jimmy Stewart in Harvey, the movie about the giant invisible rabbit. Of course, it would be rather difficult to “sight” an invisible rabbit. But, the townspeople of Felton in northeast England had their hands full in 2006, with a giant rabbit and his voracious appetite!
Giant Rats of New York City
According to experts in the city’s pest control businesses, and the homeless, of New York City, the rats in the area are getting progressively bigger, and more aggressive, even vicious.
Giant Spiders
Giant spiders have been reported from all over the world including a washtub size spider near Leesville, Louisiana in the United States, the giant camel spiders in Iraq, and the Baka Pygmy Spiders found in the Congo of South Africa.
Gray Man of Ben MacDhui
In the crests and passes of Ben MacDhui, the highest peak of the Cairngorms Mountain Range,in the eastern Highlands of Scotland, a gigantic creature walks and eats and lives. Known as Am Fear Liath Mor in Gaelic, or simply, The Big Gray Man, this creature is difficult to describe.
International Cryptozoology Museum, Portland
Founder and operator of the museum, Loren Coleman, has written quite a few books on the subject of cryptozoology. His work was invaluable to me as I wrote my first book, The Weiser Field Guide to Cryptozoology which will be out sometime in late February.
Jake, the Alligator Man
Unlike most cryptids, Jake, the Alligator Man was quite social in his heyday. Witnesses say that the scaly beast enjoyed frequenting whorehouses and clubs, and entertaining at carnivals when he took a notion.
Japanese River Imps
Japanese River Imps also called kappa are amphibious cryptids often mistaken for six and seven-year-old children.
Jean Grenier, Werewolf of France
In the spring of 1603, 13-year-old Marguerite Poirier of Gascony was attacked by a creature during a full moon.
Kentucky Goblins from Outer Space
In the western region of Kentucky, the Kelly and Hopkinsville region, a few years before I was born, a family was attacked by an entire group of goblin-like creatures.
Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp
In the Scape Ore swamps of Bishopville, located in Lee County, South Carolina, a seven-feet-tall bipedal creature with well-defined muscles, green scaly skin, and orange glowing eyes, was frequently spotted in the summer of 1988.
Lobo Girl of Texas
There was once a little baby girl born in the year 1835 in the Beaver Lake area of Texas, who actually did make a transformation into a Wolf Girl.
Loch Ness Monster [offsite link]
You can see a live web cam and read all about the Loch Ness monster.
Loogaroo Vampires of the West Indies
In the Caribbean islands, there are said to be
vampires who were once old humans, usually women
called “hags” or witches, who made deals with the devil.
According to natives, they are called Loogaroo.
Lusca and other Giant Octopuses
ne of the first fairly well-documented sightings of a giant octopus occurred around Thanksgiving of 1896. Two bicycling boys discovered an enormous light pink mass that had washed up on the beach at St. Augustine, Florida.
Marlon Lowe and the Giant Bird
During my many childhood adventures and escapades, one thing that never entered my head was the possibility of being picked up by a giant bird and carried down the block.
Mermaid Sightings in Israel
This past August (2009), a series of mermaid sightings began to be reported in the coastal town of Kiryat Yam, in Israel. There have been several dozens of sightings of a female mermaid in this coastal town by the Mediterranean Sea, near Haifa.
Mongolian Death Worm
Although not nearly as large as the worm in the movie “Tremors,” a rooftop would still be as good a place as any to be if you come across the acid-spitting, electricity-throwing Mongolian Death Worm. Of course, a rooftop might be rather difficult to find in the Gobi Desert.
Mothman of West Virginia
During November and December of 1966, and all through the following year, there were actually more than a hundred sightings of Mothman reported from all over West Virginia. The creature was always described as having a ten-foot wingspan, large glowing red eyes, and an accompanying feeling of dread.
Naga Fireballs of Thailand
Each year in October, during a full moon at the end of the Buddhist Lent, a mysterious phenomenon occurs above the Mekong River in the Phon Phisai region outside of Nong Khai in Thailand.
New Jersey Devil a/k/a the Leeds Devil
Although there are many devilish creatures throughout the world, there’s a famous devil in New Jersey that is known as the Jersey Devil. This particular horned one has been sighted thousands of times throughout New Jersey and in Pennsylvania over the last two hundred years.
Ohio Grassman
On January 23, 1896, a man and his daughter were walking down a road near their home in Gallia County, when a large beast attacked the man. After a frighteningly long struggle, the girl hit the creature in the head with a rock, and it ran away.
Spring Heeled Jack
Victorian England isn’t known for being an exciting era. Although, I’m sure for those who had the pleasure(?) of meeting Spring Heeled Jack, it did have its moments!
Spring Heeled Jack
Victorian England isn’t known for being an exciting era. Although, I’m sure for those who had the pleasure(?) of meeting Spring Heeled Jack, it did have its moments!
The Awful
The awfulness of “The Awful” must be beyond compare, as this monster is said to be the basis for many horror tales by the storytelling master, H.P. Lovecraft.
The Beast of Bladenboro, North Carolina
The Beast of Bladenboro, or the Beast of Bolivia, is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of animals in 1954. Recently, reports of pets and livestock being killed in a two hundred-mile range, has incited people to start wondering if the monster they dealt with, in 1954, might be back.
The Beast of Bray Road
On one country road outside of Elkhorn, Wisconsin, called Bray Road, there have been sightings of a werewolf-type beast, since 1936, with a rash of sightings beginning in the late 1980s. The animal is described as a hairy, wolf-like animal that walks on its muscular hind legs.
The Beast of Gevaudan
In the mid 1760s, vicious wolf-like creatures prowled this hostile environment, terrorizing and devouring between 100 and 200 defenseless men, women and children over a four-year period.
The Chupacabra
I travel across the great state of Texas as least once a year, on my way to see my son at Camp Pendleton. Last year, I saw something strange crossing a field, and stopped my car to get out and get a better look. We stared at each other for what seemed to be several minutes, before he continued o
The Enfield Horror
On a late April night in 1973, Mr. and Mrs. Henry McDaniel of Enfield, Illinois, returned home to find their children, Henry and Lil, excited and frightened because something had been scratching at the door, trying to get into the house.
The Frogmen of Loveland
A businessman traveling through the little town of Loveland, Ohio on a morning in May of 1955, witnessed three humanoid/reptilian creatures by the road. He pulled over and watched, until one of the odd beasts started waving something around in the air that looked like a Fourth-of-July sparkler.
The Goatman
Sightings of the creature called Goatman began in 1957 in Prince George’s County, Maryland, but the sightings have spread over the years to include most North American states, and also into Canada.
The Jersey Devil
The Jersey Devil a/k/a the Leeds Devil has been sighted all over New Jersey and Pennsylvania many times over the last two hundred years, up to the present time.
The Bucca Boo fairies were brought to the United States with the Cornish when they immigrated into America to work in the western Pennsylvania coal mines in the 1820s. They became known as Tommyknockers in the U.S.
Weiser Field Guide to Cryptozoology
Hello Friends and Fellow Readers! I'm excited to tell you about my new book! I have written a book on the subject of cryptozoology. The title is: The Weiser Field Guide to Cryptozoology: Werewolves, Dragons, Skyfish, Lizard Men, and Other Fascinating Creatures Real and Mysterious.
What is Cryptozoology?
Cryptids, the name for the creatures studied in this field, are not only beings whose existence have not yet been proven, but is also given to creatures sighted in areas to which they are not indigenous.
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