Stress-Free Relationships

10 Great Ways to Find Your New Best Friend
While good friends are healthy for us both mentally and physically, many tend to make themselves sick over not having a close friend at the moment. If you want to make new friends…
5 Surprising Ways to Tune-up Your Relationship
Relationships have an ebb and flow; life’s stressors can drive you apart subtly and perniciously. There are fine points you might want to know about to take your relationship to the next level.
6 Powerful Ways to Disarm Nosy Meddlers
Nosy meddlers can seem like Velcro or Teflon. As with all experiences, you get to decide on your perception. Here are 6 effective ways to deal with these trespassers.
6 Tips to Run Your Love Life Like a Great Business
If you want a monogamous relationship to go the distance, you have a lot to learn from strategies of the client-based business world. Here’s what a well-run business does:
7 Proven Tips about Divvying Up Household Chores
Female stress hormones rise ominously when men don’t pitch in around the house. Male stress hormones rise when they do! Apparently, women live on Venus and men need to get off Uranus!
7 Signs Your Relationship is in Trouble
Everything has become ordinary and unacceptably mediocre. There are concrete signs of potential breakups; some of which come from feng shui, that cannot be rationalized away. Often words obscure issues, but the tangible facts don’t lie.
7 Small But Deadly Relationship Enders
Wouldn’t you like to be able to identify the subtleties of relationship damage when you are best able to treat them?
7 Ways to Make Love At First Sight Happen
There is an obligatory form of love, the kind your mother nags you about, so you keep a ledger of a potential partner’s traits in order to compromise. However, love at first sight is an optional form of love like experiencing an awesome moment unexpectedly.
Here’s how to make it happen:
8 tips to Get Along with Difficult People
From an evolutionary standpoint human survival has always depended on our ability to get along with others. Is there someone like a family member, friend or colleague with whom you can repair a bridge?
A Woman’s Most Valuable Attraction Factor
If you have spent a great deal of money on cosmetics – procedures or beauty products – you might want to reconsider. In the course of the female effort to achieve a gender equal society men have drastically changed. Here’s what men want:
Are Marriage Myths Ruining Your Relationship?
Even those who claim that they are not prejudiced and would never stereotype anyone, are actually tough on their significant other, even pushing their buttons to actualize the negative behavior in the relationship story.
Are Twilight Moms Eclipsing Their Daughters?
What’s up with moms and grandmothers forming about 40% of the Twilight fan base? Twi-Moms reflect current female concerns.
Are You Addicted to Stress?
Stress-addiction is equivalent to “identity theft.” This means you do not know who you are and where you are really going. Here are some strategies to break the pattern of stress-addiction.
Are You Addicted to Taking Care of Everyone?
Some of us define and measure ourselves based on how necessary we make ourselves to others. Does becoming enmeshed in everyone’s dramas and offering our advice, solutions and time really help them?
Are You Experiencing Compassion Fatigue?
Could you be feeling so stressed, so second-rate, that you have lost your own voice, your own image in the mirror and need to be reflected in someone else’s eyes? You just might be suffering from compassion fatigue.
Are You Living in a Non-Divorce?
Could "non-divorce" be a trend in 2007? Many couples see the "non-divorce" as a way to stay married, keep up social appearances and maintain community status. Why has your romance drifted apart?
Are You Married to a Stranger?
In many relationships some as soon as the second year of marriage, others after the seven-year itch and a couple of kids and then unexpectedly many after the silver anniversary – “I woke up one morning and realized that I am living with a stranger. Is this all there is?”
Are You Married to a Stranger? Change your Speech
If you sometimes feel that you are married to a stranger, you might be right! Couples who live together tend to overestimate their ability to communicate.
Are You Raising a Narcissist?
Is it just me or have you encountered more narcissists these past few years? Recently, studies have emerged that we are raising a generation of narcissistic children.
Are Your Children Shopping Addicts? Here’s How to Get Back to Basics
As Alpha Women Emerge, Men Retreat In the Bedroom
When a man is the main breadwinner and does stereotypical male chores around the house (like wearing a tool belt), a couple is likely to have more sex than the reverse arrangement.
Become One of Those Happy Couples
Venus and venom come from the same root, meaning love. Which will it be: Love potion or poison?
Benefits of a Broken Heart
Anyone who has ever loved and lost knows what it feels like to suffer from a broken heart. However, if you just step back and look at the larger picture...
Boost Your Relationship with Humor
Humor can make your marriage happier than ever! Neuroscience explains that what makes you laugh is not only subjective, but based on gender. Understanding his style of humor can make him more endearing as well as reveal important clues about how to be in-sync with him.
Can I Ever Trust a Man Again
Relationships are not about trusting men. The whole issue is about trusting yourself! Here are some tips to trust a man by coming to your own senses:
Can You Fight Fair With Your Best Friend?
It is difficult to have a fair fight with your best friend because you know all the buttons to push and so does this person. Keep in mind that it is often easier to forgive an enemy than a good friend. Here’s the inside story:
Chatting Your Way to Longevity
Being sociable, like going out with friends, hanging out after a class or volunteering, is physically and emotionally vital for well being.
Deal with the Stress of Divorce - Don’t Divorce Yourself
Divorce becomes a nightmarish experience only when you divorce yourself and lose your self-confidence. To lessen the sting of divorce as you focus on the road to recovery and revitalizing your identity, here are some suggestions.
Diverse Friendships Create Job Success
As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together. However, this uniformity is precisely the problem if you want to get ahead at work. The key words are cultural competence. Here’s how to diversify your friendships:
Do Men Prefer Face or Fanny ?
Females worry about their bodies as early as elementary school and as late as midlife. Men are often puzzled by female body dysmorphia. You might be surprised by their preference.
Do Opposites Attract When One Partner is Fat?
If a woman outweighs her male counterpart there will most likely be tension in the relationship. However, if the male is the heavier of the two then the quality of the relationship usually remains stable. Why the disparity? And what can you do about it?
Do Women Intimidate Men?
Women have been referred to as the weaker sex, but are they really? A woman’s disapproval means a man’s shame.
Do You Live In a Matrix or "Hatrix"?
Whose life and relationships are so neatly compartmentalized as in a matrix? Here are 7 strategies which could prove helpful when living in hatrix – fixating on the bad:
Do You Really Want to Know the Truth?
We all know the familiar phrase, “The Truth will set you free,” and we all claim to want to know the truth both inside and outside of ourselves. However, new research shows that we really don’t want to know someone else’s truth if it differs from ours.
Don’t be Blindsided, January is Break-up Season
Traditionally, January signals a new beginning and for some this means divorce proceedings. Matthew D. Johnson, director of the Marriage and Family Studies Laboratory at Binghamton University sees an increase in breakups when holiday energy ends and winter depression sets in. Here are the signs
Don’t Let Stress Steal Your Heart Away
Love relationships are almost impossible to unravel. Let’s not bother to chew over the same old things and overanalyze them. When you said, “I do,” you really meant, “I do for me; then I do for you!”
Dumped After 30 Years, Now What?
It’s time to empower yourself and stop looking back in anger. Here´s how:
Fall: Season to Fall in Love Again
While summer is the season of fun, skimpy clothing and lightheartedness like butterflies and bees caressing flower after flower, fall is more serious. Fall is a great time to fall in love and make it last!
For Better or For Worse, Valentine’s Day
This special day designated to celebrate love is a good example of the range of the love relationship, for better or worse. Which will it be for you?
For July 4 Set Off Fireworks In Your Relationships
If you are experiencing stress in your relationships, Independence Day can signal a major improvement. Tap into the energy! You don’t need a revolution to begin. How to become an independent/interdependent you:
From Doormat to Diva in 3 Steps
If you have served as a doormat, time to transform yourself into the polar opposite to correct the situation: the diva. Divas ask for what they need/want because they value themselves. Divas sing for themselves.
From Friend to Frenemy
Your friend used to be a confidante and cheerleader; suddenly, she turns into a frenemy. Are you in some way responsible? Should you try to mend fences?
From Stale Mate to Soul Mate
Have you hit a bump in your relationship? Are you living like two roommates who come and go at different times? Please, take a moment to objectify and reconsider your situation. Here´s how:
Have You Become Annoying?
No one starts out annoying. In fact, most annoying people try to be supportive and helpful. However, their noble attributes can be perceived as negative when others feel stressed in the company of these well-intentioned friends/ relationship partners and avoid them. Here are the habits:
He's Home for Lunch Now
Most women who take their marriage vows do so with the understanding, the unwritten agreement that their man will be home only: for dinner, weekends and holidays, and of course the occasional flu or sprain.
Honesty Is a Great Stress Reliever
Conformity and suppression are energy drains. When we feel comfortable with ourselves that’s a great stress relief! Stop apologizing for who you are. Here are some suggestions to be more honest:
How is the Recession Affecting Your Marriage?
A reduced home equity has a negative impact on marital equity. If you want to fall in love again with your good friend and feel happier/healthier, here are some suggestions.
How Not To Be Taken For Granted
When you feel that you are being taken for granted in any relationship whether romantic or work-related, this could signal the demise of that particular relationship. Here are 9 ways to transform the dynamics for the better:
How To Apologize Successfully
The primary goal is to ease the other person’s hurtful burden which they are carrying around. The byproduct of a successful apology is that you will feel relieved and absolved. The components of a successful apology:
How To Ask For What You Want
“The party was great and I felt validated, but what I really wanted was for Sue to help me settle in.” One of our biggest stressors is not clearly expressing our thoughts. Select from the following menu to find your effective personal persuasive style:
How to be Happy Even When your Child is Unhappy
There’s an old expression: "You are as happy as your unhappiest child" and if this still holds true – no wonder we have been referred to as “Prozac Nation!” When we live our lives fully and with an optimistic realism, our children will eventually emulate and find their own balance. Here's how.
How To Become Irresistible in Love
Love is the most emotionally-charged, hard-to-define, mysterious word in our personal world. Each one of us desires to be selected, but not as a consolation prize! So how do you identify true love, find it and sustain it?
How to Change Their Bad Habits
It might not be readily admitted, but many people once they live with each other, “the person whom they fell in love with and initially wouldn’t change for the world,” will do everything in their power to change their loved one’s habits.
How to Climb Out of a Relationship Rut
If you find yourself in a relationship rut, you don’t have to spend a lot of money and fly to Paris for the weekend. Think about where you want to be a year from now and what you need to do to get there. Here are 8 directions on how to get there:
How to Communicate Your True Feelings During a Conflict
How To Compete With The Other Woman
So, what does the other woman have that you don’t have? The other woman is not necessarily younger, or more beautiful. There is good news here because you can easily access the other traits.
How to Consciously ‘Re-pair’ Instead of Uncouple
Gwyneth Paltrow’s decade-long marriage ended in a conscious uncoupling. Here’s how to consciously re-pair your marriage to become the dynamic duo:
How to Cope With the Stress of Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is almost here, heralded by idyllic pictures of mothers and daughters in magazines and TV commercials advertising gifts fit for a female deity. However, some of us feel stressed about the celebration. Perhaps, we don’t get along with our mothers, mothers-in-law or even our own children.
How to Deal with Dreaded Family Gatherings
The holidays are almost upon us and those dreaded family gatherings highlight how vulnerable we still are to criticism and the old prescribed roles we act out. If you plan on attending family gatherings, here are some suggestions to transform them from prison riots into joyous celebrations:
How to Deal With Problem People
Our lives our peppered with problem people. No one can erode who you are, what you wish for, the goals that you have defined or even what you look like if you appreciate the beauty of your own spirit. Here are some suggestions for transforming problem people into happy solutions.
How to Deal With Your Mother-In-Law
How to Enjoy Being By Yourself
Recently, I have been hearing adults complaining that they are bored even on vacation. While new studies assert that it is vital to keep busy to feel happier, many of us might be taking busyness to a new level.
How to Find Love at Home Depot
Men and women are meeting at Home Depot or other home improvement centers and ultimately marrying – a few couples have even held wedding ceremonies in the store where they met! Why is a home improvement center a hot new dating scene?
How to Forgive and Forget
One of the most basic steps on the pathway to happiness is forgiveness. Holding on to grudges, entrenched in being absolutely right, we doom ourselves to living in the past while poisoning our present. What is really bothering you: That someone hurt you or that you allowed yourself to be hurt?
How to Fortify Your Friendships
Do you find that your friendships are dwindling, using your fingers to count them? Perhaps, you are disappointed in the few remaining friends. You might say that you don’t care, “Good Riddance to bad rubbish!” However, you do care. Here’s what to do:
How to Get Him to Change
January signals a fresh start in self-improvement. But what if the person you live with does not entertain the slightest thought about change? Many women who read self-help books have absorbed the notion that “if I change my own dynamics, everyone around me will change.”So does this strategy work?
How To Get Someone To Fall In Love With You
If you are looking for love, stats indicate that Venus and Mars are best aligned in the winter as you cast your arrows towards Valentine's Day. Here are 5 great strategies for a stress-free relationship success.
How to Get Your Man to Share His Feelings
Most conflicts between men and women occur because women want to talk and explore the issue from all angles and men just want to fix it quickly. Once you understand that the idea of just talking can be a frightening experience for a man, the solution becomes simple:
How To Handle Someone Who Talks Too Much
Some people talk too much, barely pausing for a breath. Ever wonder why?
How to Have a Constructive Conflict
Many of us bolt out the door as soon as we sniff the onset of a conflict. We like to accommodate and please, rather than express our true opinions. However, conflict can be stimulating and educational. It helps us to transform and grow. Here is how to have a constructive conflict.
How to Jumpstart a Waning Libido
Many of us mistakenly assume that when the wrinkles appear, the libido begins to disappear. If you find yourself less interested in your sexual nature, here are some potent aphrodisiacs to turn on your inner light.
How to Jumpstart Your Libido in a Recession
Stress stifles libido. In a recession job loss is at an all time high with households subsisting on their savings or if they’re lucky on one salary. Must financial woes ruin a relationship?
How to Keep Your Balance In A Divorce
How to Keep Your Friends
Because friends are necessary to our health and happiness, they are our therapists, nurses, bankers, designers, chauffeurs, delivery men, messengers and cooks; we need to find ways to keep them predominantly in the credit column and not the debit side. Here are some tips:
How to Live a Charmed Life
Ever wonder why some people get away with it, are always listened to and get the benefit of a doubt? It’s not because they are beautiful, brilliant or billionaires. They are simply charming! Charm is an acquired trait.You can become a virtuoso by practicing a few concrete strategies.
How to Love the One You’re With
One of the most common complaints from people in a monogamous relationship is that they miss the initial high of falling in love. Monogamy does not mean monotony. Here’s how:
How to Make New Friends
There are two basic impediments to making new friends. The first is our fear of rejection. The second is not as obvious as the first, our need for instant gratification. It´s not easy making friends anymore or is it?
How to Make Your Relationships Last
By the time we reach adulthood all of us carry some sort of relationship baggage. So whether it is a friend, teammate, or a mate you are looking for, a strong relationship can take root when someone feels comfortable in your presence. Here are 9 surefire tips for close friendships:
How to Overcome the Fear of Rejection
Just a fleeting thought of rejection hurls us into a fight or flight mode. Either we will do everything in our power to be well-liked or we will run away and never try in order to avoid rejection. Here are some suggestions to cope with the fear of rejection and regain balance.
How To Protect Yourself From Well-Meaning Toxicity
Have you been a victim of well-meaning toxicity? In other words, do you get the sense that people prefer you a bit lower down on the ladder, so that they can feel higher up?
How to Recognize and Shed Toxic Friends
To feel happy and healthy we need to seek out what specifically brings us joy. High on the list is friendship. However, over the years friends change and we change as well. Here is how to recognize a toxic relationship and how not to fall apart.
How to Revive a Sleepy Romance
How to Say No Nicely
Saying no to others can be a daunting experience. When it comes time to actually use the two-letter word, many feel anxious and stressed. It’s time to learn how to say “no” – nicely!
How to Shake Off a Bad Mood
We all know how it feels to be stuck in a bad mood. Bad moods are contagious. However, if you are infected by someone else’s bad mood and don’t even know it, what can you do to get over it?
How to Step Back and Include Dads
How To Stop An Argument In Its Tracks
Six steps to end destructive arguments. Don’t blow up bridges, build them.
How to Stop Feeling Guilty
Feeling guilty has deep archetypal roots, that’s why it is universal and why people in our lives sometimes try hard to make us feel guilty because we are susceptible. So, how do you stop feeling guilty and move forward into happiness?
How to Stop Making Yourself Unhappy
If we think that circumstances make us unhappy, we should broaden our view. The way to achieve happiness is to change our thinking about those circumstances by letting go of the disturbing thoughts. Here are some suggestions to make yourself happy.
How to Toss Toxic Relationships
Around this time of year we tend to lose things especially, friends and boyfriends; in other words, relationships that we have outgrown or that have turned toxic. How do you identify toxic people? And how do you keep them at bay?
How to Turn the Super Bowl into Super Fun
Could this be you: Neglected and lonely during football season? Does he watch the climactic Super Bowl stuffing his face with chips, dips, hero sandwiches and guzzling beer and making a mess which you will have to later clean up?
How to Use Color to De-Stress
Color has a powerful sensory appeal and many of us learn from visual cues. Understanding what different colors transmit and say about people can improve communication and engender respect and acceptance for personality differences. Here are some colors and what they might mean to you:
How Understanding Your Guy’s TV Choices Fine Tunes Your Relationship
In order to tune into him you need to observe what he tunes into on TV. The programs he watches on TV will help you figure him out because while he is absorbed in TV, he does not have his guard up or act defensively.
Is Being Positive Having a Negative Effect?
Have you become necessary, vital, to everyone’s existence? Don’t rescue everyone while losing yourself in the process.
Is Happily-Ever-After A Myth?
There are universal romantic notions: Love at first sight, “the one” who reads your heart and knows what you are thinking, and that overwhelming passion. But then daily realities set in. You feel wedlocked. Is sustained wedded bliss even attainable? 8 paths to happiness
Is Marriage Research Ruining Your Relationship?
The ultimate question: Can your spouse be everything you want rolled up into one throughout the decades? When it concerns marital advice, like any advice, tread carefully especially if it is authoritarian. Consider how often the medical community reverses itself. Here’s how to navigate:
Jealousy - Curse or Blessing?
We should not feel guilty about having a jealous heart. The closer we get to people the more likely we are to feel jealous or become the object of envy. So what do we do when jealousy upsets our equilibrium and pushes our anger button?
Living in Limbo: The Non-Divorce
Some couples choose to stay together even though there is no romance. This type of marriage can best be described as the non-divorce.Listen to callers-in to my radio show who reveal their secret lives concerning living in marriage limbo.
Making a Good Impression
Many of us worry about making a good impression at the office party, a family get-together, or a net-working event. We worry about making intelligent conversation, if we will remember names, if we will be able to join in a group conversation already in progress.
Marriage Can Drive Women To Drink
According to new findings a long-term marriage curbs men’s drinking, but women actually drink more. Does marriage benefit men more than women?
Men in Red Rate with Women
Previous research has shown that men are more attracted to women in red. Apparently, the lady in red wants a man in red.
Never Plant In Another’s Woman’s Garden
The moral of the story is don’t plant in another woman’s garden –even if you are asked. Women are competitive creatures and planting for another woman will bring up unruly feelings even if they have been buried deep in the subconscious. Here are 3:
No Good Man Available? Try a Woman
Did you know that a woman’s sexuality is more adaptive and flexible than a man’s?
Not Too Late To Find Love For Valentine’s Day
As V- Day draws near, your jealousy meter could rise to the danger zone. However, instead of throwing yourself a pity party, aim Cupid’s arrow at your own stressed-out heart. Stress-management works best when you prepare before the main event. Here’s how to come and get your love:
Number 1 Cause of Relationship Ruin
Spring cleaning coincides with the changing of the clocks and so, we need to reset our biological rhythms once again. These physical activities inevitably lead to spring cleaning relationships and if there has been a breakup:
People-pleasing Can Cause Weight Gain
People-pleasing is a self-induced pressure, a lifestyle pattern, associated with weight gain.
The goal in stress management is to go from people-pleaser to self-pleaser.
Positive Thinking Can Be Harmful
Reciting affirmations, listening to motivational coaches – who needs the stress of being happy all the time, or overly optimistic in precarious situations? If you repress your bad thoughts to be more upbeat, you might become anxious.
Regardless, Don’t Reject his Gift
Most men dread buying their woman a gift – She will not like it, or she will pretend to like it and hang it away in her closet, never to surface again.
Risk-free Valentine’s Day Gift Giving
Here is an elegantly simple solution tapping into the heartfelt theme of the day: Collaborate and buy/make one gift for the two of you as a couple!
Should a Marriage License Have an Expiration Date?
If a marriage license were valid for ten year-increments with the option of renewal just like a driver’s license, do you know what would happen?
Should You Always Tell the Truth?
We have all been taught to tell the truth along with the conflicting instructions of, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it.” Here are some suggestions about how not to stress about when to tell the truth.
Should You Let Him Cheat to Keep Him?
Author and former mistress Holly Hill has written Sugarbabe to let women know that the best way to keep a man in a relationship is to let him sleep around with her permission. However, monogamy doesn’t mean monotony.
Six Safe Ways to Make Over Your Man
You’re in a long term relationship or married and while you can’t pinpoint exactly when things changed in your romantic heart, you realize now that the quirks you once adored have become irritating. It’s never too late to make over your man.
Snow Rage
Unfortunately, the fence between the two properties wasn’t tall enough, the way Robert Frost would have liked. The shoveling was quickly generating its own angry storm soon to explode in violence: “You shoveled snow into my backyard!”
Spring Clean Your Friendships
Since we are so busy and have little time for relaxation, this spring take an inventory of your friendships. By now we all know the true meaning of “friends with benefits:”
Summer Is The Best Time To Save Your Marriage
Summer is the best time to save a sinking marriage. Here are 7 ways:
The 4 Benefits of Self-Talk
In a time period of perfecting the art of the selfie improving your self-talk is a logical extension. Talking to yourself is quite common and what you say can impact your mood and energy. Here are 4 benefits in self-talk.
The Benefits of Social Rejection
Feeling rejected by your group? Don’t get stressed. You might be reaping the benefits of a strong sense of independence and a huge dose of imaginative thinking.
The Mommy Wars – Be a Winner
Why do we get so angry at the other side, unable to accept a different opinion? In order to be right does someone else have to be wrong? The real power struggle in the mommy wars is within the self.
The Personal Truth Your Lies Reveal
Those little lies which just trip off the tongue are seemingly innocuous: Or are they? Your lies are a barometer of your empowerment.
The Relaxed Stress-Free Method for Becoming a Sensuous Woman
Many of us are feeling inadequate and stressed that everyone else is experiencing the extraordinary, while we are stuck in the mundane. Before we listen to any more talk about hormonal imbalance, let us check to see if our life is in balance!
The Super Bowl Can Lead to Super Love
Consider this game, as the ritual end to the entire football season and so, a celebration in nod of Valentine’s Day. In other words, a good relationship is based on reciprocity. Here’s how to make the most of the Super Bowl:
The Surprising Antidote to Loneliness
Loneliness is recognized as a growing health problem. The surprising findings: Addressing loneliness is not about attending support groups with other lonely people or teaching better social skills.
The Surprising Benefits of Writing Love Letters
Writing is as important to learning as reading. The love letter we write to another is really a barometer of how we love ourselves. Here are some tips for writing a love letter and creating an intimate bond.
The Surprising Ingredient For Relationship Success
Whether you have been on more dates than you wish to count, in an unsatisfying relationship for years, or reevaluating your various friendships, you might be wondering why things have not been exactly going your way. Here’s the special missing ingredient:
This Valentine’s Day Learn to Love Yourself
Valentine’s Day is almost here and many of us are highly stressed by this compulsory, scripted celebration of love. If we don’t have a significant other, we are in a mad rush to find one for the occasion. If we do have a significant other, we are dropping hints for a gift to brag to our friends.
Tiger Mom Meets the Jewish Mother
What is all this fuss about Amy Chua overtly confessing to be a tiger mom? Jewish mothers, if they would tell you their age, have been around for centuries working behind the scenes and the animal that would best describe them would be a hybrid of kangaroo and dragon.
Tips to Transform Loneliness Into Popularity
Do you feel like the unwelcome third wheel in an animated conversation between two friends? Do you perceive yourself as banished to loneliness, excluded from the clique? If you are lonely, reconnect with yourself – enjoy your own company. Create a presence which will attract others to your side. Her
Trade Gender Roles and Fall in Love Again
Saving your relationship could be as simple as switching roles. Gender roles often lock us into predictable, repetitive arguments where no one makes any changes because who is listening anymore? A new sociological study from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee shows why.
Trying To Smile Can Make You Miserable
Most of us have been told to act “as if,” and then we will become what we pretend to be. However, this might not necessarily be the case. Faking a smile can actually make you sick and stressed.
Valentine’s Day: Easy, Cheap and Loving
8 simple, cheap, heartfelt strategies to create the mood: Consider doing these love tasks together or dividing them up based on your skill-set – a relationship is a team effort.
What Happy People Do Differently
When people wear scant clothing on the beach, stripped down to core behavior, you learn a great deal about human nature and most importantly your own. Here are 4 happiness generators.
What Not To Say To A Sick Friend
Who hasn’t felt awkward, uncomfortable or even worse said the wrong thing to a friend with a chronic illness? Here are forbidden phrases and conversation topics to avoid:
What Singles Don't Do On Valentine's Day
If you are not part of a romantic duo, exposure to mushy marketing about love will reduce not only your self-image, but your self-spending. You feel undeserving. If you want to find the love of your life:
What Women Can Learn From Men
Do we women think that we know all the answers, believe that we have martyred ourselves by living with the male gender and that we are consummate communicators? There is a lot we can learn from men.
What Your Chit-Chat Says About You
Conversation is more than an art. The spoken word can convey confidence, power and authenticity. Wouldn’t you like to reduce the stress of a courageous conversation and know how you really appear to others?
What Your Fighting Style Reveals About You
Everyone in a relationship argues. Most revealing about the happiness factor of your relationship and of course, how good you feel about yourself is your fighting style. See if you fit any of the four categories:
When Your Friend Talks Behind Your Back
We all engage in a bit of celebrity gossip. However, when the story line concerns us common folk, we have a different standard, feeling hurt when we discover that a friend has gossiped about us, or revealed our secret.
Why Are Kids So Rude?
Are please and thank you defunct? Is making eye contact while speaking to another person old-fashioned? Is listening attentively without interrupting a thing of the past? Here’s why:
Why Are Women Unhappier Than Men?
Studies show that a shift in happiness has occurred: Men have cut back on unpleasant activities and relax more while a woman’s "to do" list has increased with less time to do everything. The obvious question: Why can’t women relax more, the way men do?
Why Do I Like People More When They Like Me Less?
Love is about the thrill of the chase. When he’s not that into you, the hunt really begins. Since Adam and Eve, we have always wanted what we can’t have!
Why Is Everyone So Annoying?
Would you describe yourself as critical like you can’t help but notice the flaws? Your negative perceptions might be due to projection. Similarly, positive comments can be self-revealing. Most things that upset your equilibrium challenge your self-worth in some way.
Why Is Everyone So Rude?
We are so unaccustomed to polite behavior that we are actually frightened by it. In addition, we have become cynical, believing that a kind act has a hidden agenda. Rudeness is fueled by stress. How do we deal with rudeness and avoid being rude ourselves?
Why We Clutter
There is a strong correlation between the need to accumulate/hold unto possessions and feeling disconnected from others.
Why We Should Resist the Urge to Give Advice
We just love to give advice. But take my advice: Resist the urge to give advice, solicited or unsolicited and you won’t feel resentful when people choose not to take your advice!
Why Women Apologize More Than Men
Women apologize frequently even when they believe they have done nothing wrong. When a woman apologizes even when she is not guilty of anything, she wants to please.
Why You Can Finally End The Housework War
Since studies show that women tend to bear a disproportionate load of the housework, it is a given that a relationship might be stressed if one member tends to be a shirker while the other an over-doer.
Will Fifty Shades kill your Relationship?
Fifty Shades legitimizes dark sexual fantasies in a fairytale romance novel. Suddenly women have permission to feel liberated - great; Unrealistic expectations of a relationship – not so great.
Women, Wise Up on Myths about Men
A surprising source of simmering female resentment is the myths generated about men. These fictional stories have the power to stress a relationship by triggering habitual ways of listening and responding because you already know character and plot.
You Can Have It All - Just Not All the Time
Your Brain On Sex
Most of us know that the brain is the most erotic organ in the human body and sexual behavior originates in the mind. However, did you know that sex boosts brain power?
“Someday You’ll Miss Me”
When I was a teenager, I loved to push my mother’s buttons; sometimes I was bored and sometimes I just wanted to clear my head after school with a good argument. My mother would often end it with a smile and say, “Someday when I’m gone you will miss me.”
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