Basic Facts

Are Exercise Apps Good for You
In today's fast pace world exercise apps on your smart phones and tablets can be a great asset in keeping in shape. This article will give you the complete rundown on the pros and cons of exercise apps.
Assess Your Current Fitness Level
Sometimes you need to take a good look at your exercise routine to determine how well it is working. In order to do that you need to assess your current fitness level. Use these easy tests and tips to assess and upgrade your workouts.
Basic Recommendations for Exercise
Learn how much exercise is recommended by exercise science experts. Sample tracking charts are included.
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BMI and Exercise
BMI (Body Mass Index) is a calculation that is used to measure body fat based on your height and weight. You should be concerned if your BMI is in the overweight or obese categories as these both can contribute to disease. Learn the link between exercise and a healthy BMI.
Counting Steps for Exercise
How many of you have tried counting steps for exercise? The basic idea is to count your steps, using a pedometer, and reaching a daily goal of 10,000 steps which is suggested to equal 5 miles. The American Heart Association uses this activity as a guideline to improve your health and longevity.
Ease Back after an Exercise Break
Are you ready to begin exercising again after a break? No matter how much you want to jump right back in you will be glad if you ease back slowly. The longer the break the harder it will to get back into your exercise routine. So if you are ready to start here are some tips to help you get started, slow and easy.
Exercise Plans for the New Year
It’s a new year and many of you are setting your resolutions. Frequently these resolutions include exercise. The beginning of a new year is the perfect time for a fresh start. Here are some things to consider if your resolutions include a new beginning with exercise.
Fitness Class Guidelines
Fitness classes are popular for their liveliness and companionship. People enjoy them as a good way to make new friends, and working out in a group can be motivating. Once you have decided to attend a group fitness class here are guidelines to expect from the instructor and yourself.
Fitness Evaluations and the Exercise Prescription
Learn why you need a fitness evaluation and the basic tests included. Your fitness evaluation is used when a certified fitness specialist prepares your personal exercise prescription which will include fundamental components crucial to your personal fitness goals and growth. Workout format included.
Heart Rate Training Zones with Chart
Your target heart rate is one of the best indicators of your fitness level. Your heart rate can guide you in determining if your workouts are working for you. Once you know what training zone to work in to reach your goals you will be able to build an effective workout plan. Heart rate chart included.
Holiday Exercise Tips
During the holidays are you concerned about gaining weight and maintaining your exercise routine? Good health makes our lives better, but preoccupation with exercise and dieting can spoil the holidays. Here are some tips on enjoying the holidays and still get the exercise you need.
I Want Workout Results Now
This is probably the number one question people ask when they start exercising; how quick will I start seeing results? There is no quick-fix, body transformation workout. However here are several general reasons for not meeting expectations fast and how you can change that.
Lifestyle Coach Talks about Fitness Goals
Recently I was given the opportunity to interview Lifestyle Coach, Diana Blake. She spoke with me about some of the most common reasons people don’t meet their fitness goals. Diana also shared her experience and knowledge in regard to her personal approach to Lifestyle Coaching and fitness, and how it can benefit you.
Losing Belly Fat with Exercise
So you want to get rid of muffin top fast and lose unsightly belly fat. This article will explain how to lose belly fat with exercise.
Maintain Your Exercise Momentum
Are you losing your exercise momentum? Well don´t worry; it happens to all of us, new and experienced. These tips should help you get motivated whether you are new to exercise or an old-timer.
Pros and Cons of Hiring a Personal Trainer
Personal Training is at an all time high in popularity right now and the internet can bring a PT into any home. There are many good reasons to hire a Personal Trainer (PT) but there are also cautions to take if you decide to do so.
Pros and Cons of Stretching
What’s up with stretching is it good or bad for you? This is a long standing debate which is fueled by the lack of conclusive research regarding stretching. Presented here are the pros and cons of stretching and some safety tips for when you do stretch.
Spend Less by Exercising at Home
Spend less by exercising at home. Get a great workout at home without spending a lot. Here are some tips on what exercise equipment you will want to workout at home and what to look for when your shopping.
Ten Tips to Workout Safely
An injury can sidetrack you for a long time. Safety must always come first. Sometimes the things you can do to keep safe are very simple and some more complicated. Either way you don’t want to get hurt, so it is important to spend the time and effort to follow these tips.
Weight Loss, Fat Burning, Calorie Quiz
This Quiz will answer some of your questions about the relationship of burning fat during working out and burning calories. Take the quiz for some of your weight loss solutions.
Why You Need to Warm-up Before Exercising
You may be in a hurry but be smart and always warm-up before you exercise.
One major reason for including warm-ups is to decrease the risk of injury. Read here for other significant reasons to make the warm-up an important part of your workout.
Your Personal Trainer at Home
I often do personal training in my home. I have all the equipment needed and some people prefer my house over going to a gym. This is a synopsis of a training session that I had recently. It is a good example of what to expect in a home personal training session.
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